Balaji Rajendran


My name is Balaji Rajendran .I have born and grown up in karur and I'm studying second year B.TECH Information Technology M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering, karur. As for my family, two elder sister and my is a Father name is Rajendran.He is an Electrician. My Mother name is Alegeswari has been taking care of house hold. I am a friendly person, good thinker, flexible. I can work for longer hours without any break, only if I'm interested in that...My life style is very simple.I'm interested in many things such as music, watching movies.I wanna improve my English skills. I'm glad to have here. My other hobbies including being with my friends.I'm personally interested in becoming an Website Designer.It takes a long time to study an course. Actually I leaened in online website.It is very difficult and requires a tremendous amount of patience and hard work. I hope that I'll be able to meet these challenges, and that my dream will come true.As for now I'm only focusing my attention on enjoyment. I'm being my true self with the values, dreams and goals that I have....

.02 Mauris viverra

Morbi vestibulum convallis dui, in tristique neque malesuada eleifend. Sed tempus, quam vitae lobortis vulputate, sapien nisi ultricies metus, in eleifend ipsum mauris eget magna.

In dapibus blandit congue. Sed quam nulla, pellentesque eget metus eu, sollicitudin sodales nisl. Integer tempus id lectus quis cursus.

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.03 Morbi vehicula suscipit

Curabitur ornare pulvinar sapien, accumsan malesuada mauris ultricies non. Sed id tempor arcu. Pellentesque tortor sapien, molestie at purus vitae, blandit pretium dolor.

Curabitur ornare pulvinar sapien, accumsan malesuada mauris ultricies non. Sed id tempor arcu. Pellentesque tortor sapien, molestie at purus vitae, blandit pretium dolor.

Curabitur ornare pulvinar sapien, accumsan malesuada mauris ultricies non. Sed id tempor arcu. Pellentesque tortor sapien, molestie at purus vitae, blandit pretium dolor.

.04 Contact Info

In dapibus blandit congue. Sed quam nulla, pellentesque eget metus eu, sollicitudin sodales nisl. Integr tempus id lectus quis cursus.

Tel: 010-020-0120
Fax: 060-070-0670